SkillsFuture Can Bridge the Gap between Younger and Older Singapore Workers

OECD latest Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies founds that there is a skills gap between the younger and older workers in Singapore, according to StraitsTimes. The result, again shows us the importance of life-long learning and the advantages of the SkillsFuture Scheme.

SkillsFuture Skills Gap Online Course Singapore

Skills Gap in Singapore (Picture from StraitsTimes)


“Those aged between 16 and 34 in Singapore ranked second behind the Finns in problem-solving using digital tools, fifth in numeracy, which was also topped by Finland, and ninth in literacy, which was led by Japan. But older adults here aged 45 to 65 performed lower than the OECD average. They were ranked 31st in literacy and numeracy skills and 18th for problem-solving.”

Compared to other countries, Singapore’s gap is among the widest. Thanks to the improvement in education and training systems, the younger generations have become more competent. But “Singapore has to find a way to upgrade skills of older workers” said Andreas Schleicher, OECD director for education and skills. is proud to be part of the SkillsFuture initiative. We offer more than 100 SkillsFuture eligible courses to help older workers to gain the most up-to-date knowledge. You are welcome to take the courses and claim your SkillsFuture credit at here. There is nothing to lose.

Everyone should be a lifelong-learner. Come to today.

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