What We Learned From Sending 1,000 Cold Emails

As an entry level employee, cold emails are often your only avenue for reaching important sources; in some businesses, cold emails are frequently how people make sales and drive growth.

Shane Snow, a columnist at FastCompany.com, recently did an experiment. He sent out 1000 emails to those busiest people in the world. Now take a guess. How many of them opened the email? How many of them did actually reply? After 1000 code mail, he got some insights about code mails.

Here are his conclusion:

  1. Tactics for optimizing sales emails are well and good, but they’re not as important as personalized research and sender/sendee fit.
  2. Important people may be busy, but the same principles for winning their trust and attention apply to the most to least busy person you’re emailing. Be personal, and do your homework.
  3. With the right subject line, it’s not inherently harder to get a busy executive to click on your email than someone else. The important part is making the content speak to the question, “Why me?”

Want to know the whole story? Read the original article. If you want to reach some really important people, try cold emails.

Cold Emails Online Course Singapore

Picture from The FastCompany


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