Elevate Yourself with Side Projects

Albert Einstein’s first job was a low-status assistant clerk in an office, allowing him to devote free time to pursue his real passion, theoretical physics. When Walt Disney was forced to take six months off, he spent most of the hiatus hand-building steam trains in his backyard, which became the blueprint for Disneyland. These stories bring us to today’s topic: side projects.

Of course we are not Einstein or Disney, but we all can have our side projects. Reserve one hour a day or five hours a week for it. Do the things that you have thought about for more than twenty times. Don’t let them be the sacrifice of the “no time” excuse again.

“At the core of it, people that have hobbies or side projects say that they are on a path for continued improvement, intellectual curiosity and well roundedness.”  — Dawn Sharifan, Slack’s Director of People Operations.

Start writing stories, start learning drawing, or start taking an online course. Don’t waste too much time on making plans. Make a plan and start doing it. This article also gives some advice on how to make time for your side projects.

(Read the original article from Slack)

Side Projects Online Course Singapore

Walt Disney with train (Picture from Slack)


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