How To Get Started In Professional Web Development [Infographic]

As the adage goes, it’s never too late to start over. If you feel like a career change and like the idea of building websites for a living, this infographic from finance site Varooma contains everything a beginner needs to know about web development – with an emphasis on getting paid.

The below guide is aimed at 40-to-50-somethings who are looking to switch careers later in life. However, the information is applicable to anyone who wants to get into web development without experience.

For first-time coders, the main stumbling block is obviously language. However, as Varooma explains on its accompanying blog, the hurdle isn’t quite as high as you might be thinking:

If you’ve worked thousands of hours at a job or jobs that required you to be deeply logical and scientific, or you have an engineer’s mind for an elegant solution, learning to code may feel relatively natural to you.

…A combination of up-to-the-minute knowledge and a demonstrable history of logical problem-solving could stand you in good stead for a decent position.

The infographic contains advice on where to start and the best online resources to find help.

Of course there’s also our courses on – the quickest, simplest way to start experiencing web development. Through our comprehensive online training courses, you’ll pick up the basics in no time.

Explore our available courses here!


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