Communication: What Great Listeners Actually Do

Communication is not just about talking. It is also about listening.

Chances are you think you’re a good listener.  People’s appraisal of their listening ability is much like their assessment of their driving skills, in that the great bulk of adults think they’re above average.

The latest article on HBR use evidence to shows that a good listener doesn’t just remain silence when other people are speaking. Check out what does the author discover:

Singapore Communication SkillsFuture Online Course

Communication (Picture form Pexels)


Good listening is much more than being silent while the other person talks

Good listening included interactions that build a person’s self-esteem.

Good listening was seen as a cooperative conversation.

Good listeners tended to make suggestions.

What is more, the author even gave six different levels on communication.

You are most welcome to take an online course on how to communicate effectively on We encourage you to claim your government sponsored SKillsFuture Credit at here as well. Be a good communicator, starting today.

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