5 eLearning Trend Predictions for 2018

Every year it’s fun to take a broad look at the eLearning industry and try to predict some trends that will dominate the coming months. Here are 5 trends we think you should look out for this year!








VR and AR

If you’ve attended an eLearning or tech conference recently, you know that virtual reality and augmented reality are blowing up right now. Andrew Scivally got a sneak peek of Trivantis’ in progress virtual reality course builder, CenarioVR at DevLearn 2017.

AR and VR give eLearning developers amazing opportunities to put their learners into extremely realistic virtual scenarios of real-life experiences that would be too costly or dangerous to replicate for training. It’s going to be exciting to see where L&D goes with AR and VR!


We’ve seen gamification achieve broad acceptance from companies across the spectrum over the past year or so. Once it was a trendy buzzword used to make a regular eLearning course sound cool and hip. Now it’s a respected type of eLearning content.

Game development companies like The Game Agency are being recognized on the Training Industry 2018 Top 20 Authoring Tools Companies list and game authoring solutions like The Training Arcade are extremely popular options for companies looking to easily add game-based training to their L&D programs.

Interactive video-based learning

We often look up how-to videos on YouTube when we want to see how to do something—the easiest way to cut a mango, how to get that perfect cateye with liquid eyeliner, etc. Organizations are now applying that same concept to training. Videos can stand alone or be combined with quick polls and discussions, or include interactive branching scenarios.

Responsive Design

Mobile learning and responsive design have found their place on lists like these for the past few years, but we’re finally at a point where all the major authoring tools have responsive solutions—albeit in very different ways—and organizations can really start to develop fully responsive eLearning. This is a really exciting time for the training industry.

If you’re interested in developing responsive design but don’t have the man-hours to devote to in-house responsive learning development, get in touch with our team to learn how we can help develop the responsive eLearning of your dreams!

Focus on work-life skills

Workplace needs are rapidly shifting to adapt to a changing business landscape. Surveys done by Towards Maturity, Deloitte, the Fosway Group, and more are all revealing the same fact. Employees need to develop more “work-life” skills to be able to adapt and succeed in the modern business world.

In 2018, organizations are expected to focus more on training people in leadership and management skills, as well as problem-solving, communication, and interpersonal skills. These are the kinds of skills that help empower employees to “roll with the punches” as their roles change and expand.

To quickly roll out training in these areas, check out the eLearning Brothers Customizable Courseware Soft Skills Library. Each course includes a fully designed and developed training package that includes the eLearning source files, classroom materials, and PowerPoint presentations. Choose your delivery method and customize the courses as much—or as little—as you need.

Drop us an email at info@acpcomputer.edu.sg to know more about these solutions!

Source: elearningbrothers.com

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