Maximize Manager Involvement In Online Training Online training is a team sport, and your managers are the head coaches. They provide guidance, support, and valuable...
Digital learning leads the way in corporate training A recent report published by CMI and Oxford Strategic Consulting in the UK, found that 97% of managers spend...
Elearning in the health sector Professional learning and development are essential parts of any career in health and social care, and leaders across both...
Fill your Knowledge Gaps in Business Management New business owners often find they may have a great idea and can build a customer base quickly for...
How to Beat Procrastination It seems like procrastination has become the first enemy of mankind. How to beat that? Here is an article...
Improve the Flow of the PowerPoint Presentation When you do a public speaking, audience expects a story. Whether the story is attractive depends on how good...
Four Fundamentals of Workplace Automation Have you ever thought about that one day you might become unemployed because a robot can do your job...
Workers Turn to Coding for Career Change Mr. Minton, a 26-year-old math major increased his salary from $20,000 to $100,000 after taking a three-month course in...
Why Design An Educational App? Educational app is the 2nd largest category on the app store, second only to games. The fact that educational apps...
Microsoft: A Enterprise Technology Powerhouse You probably have heard of Microsoft. Maybe your work is heavily involved by Microsoft’s Office software such as PowerPoint...