Tag: Business
How To List Online Courses On Your Resume
Salary Negotiation: Ask for Better
Microsoft Office: Access 2010 and Beyond
Stop Doing Low-Value Work
Listening Is an Overlooked Leadership Tool

Picture from HBR
A great myth about leadership is that it requires being demanding and asking more of your staff through only giving direction. Melissa Daimler, head of Learning and Organizational Development of Twitter does not agree.
Here is her latest article on the Harvard Business Review talking about listening as a leadership tool. To learn more about leadership, you can considering making use of your SkillsFuture Credits to take a leadership course on LOOP.sg today.
How You Should Answer The 10 Most Common Interview Questions
Uber Is Breaking All The Rules In Its $25 Billion Arms Race

Picture from Forbes
Uber successfully raised money again. Every time you think Uber can’t raise any more money, it raises billions more.
So you probably know about Uber, one of the fastest developing tech companies in the world. You probably will be curious about how they’ve developed their app and its functions.
Actually not all apps need to be as complicated as UBER’s. Begin your first step by learning how to build your own, simple android or iOS app on Loop.sg!
#LOOPSsg #SkillsFuture #appdevelopment #Singapore
Smart Nation, SkillsFuture and LOOP.sg
Outsmart Your Next Angry Outburst

Picture from HBR
Have you ever gotten angry at your workplace and said something that you end up regretting later? How do you avoid misunderstandings when faced with stress?
Emotions are something everyone has and sometimes stress can bring out the worse in us. Check out the latest article in the Harvard Business Review on how to deal with your emotions.
And you can also take it a step further and start a course on LOOP.sg on How to Communicate Effectively .
#SkillsFuture #LOOPsg #Singapore #Elearning