New Changes on is an Online Course eLearning Platform offering a wide variety of courses for adults. No matter you are attending universities, trying to find a job, or pursuing a career change, you can always discover the right course for you on it. We also have WDA SkillsFuture Eligible Courses, so you can claim your SKillsFuture Credits!!!

New Design

We have redesigned the page. Now is cleaner, fresher and most importantly, more easy to use!

New Design Page Online Course

New Design on Main Page


Course Page with Filter Function

Course Page with Filter Function


More Detailed Curriculum Online Course

More Detailed Curriculum

We would like to thank you for using To offer you a better experience, we will keep improving our website regularly.

Now is offering a limited time 20% discount for all courses, including coding, programming, web development, business management and more, across our platform. To know more about it, please click  and click on our “Back to School” promotion to find out more

#LOOPsg #Singapore #SkillsFuture #OnlineCourse

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